This week in Forest School, our 1st class had a fantastic time exploring nature and learning about the environment through various engaging activities like foraging, cooking, ropes, mapping and building dens! Some of the children foraged for three-cornered leeks. They inspected the plants, learning to 
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Today was an exciting day as we were filming the forest school sessions. We are doing this to help others understand what forest school looks like and what the benefits could be so that more children might have access to this type of learning. This 
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They were given the opportunity for free play upon arrival at basecamp and most ofthe children were excited to build their nests. They naturally divided themselves intosmaller groups or individuals. There was clay for the nests to those who werelooking for it. Apart from that 
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So much happens in a forest school session. Each group has a different experience as the environment, the leader, the resources and the children themselves all co-create what happens. We also had a drawing sit spot where we could draw what we noticed during our 
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It’s always a treat to observe how classes who have been to Forest Fridays engage with the environment. Our main role is to remind them of the structure, provide opportunities for learning and connection and creativity, and to keep time! We are also very lucky 
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In Forest school we are supporting children to develop and keep their ability to notice nature on a regular basis and we believe it has a significant impact on their happiness as well as helping them want to take care of it. The photos below 
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We were very happy and grateful to have some of our parents join us for our session today. We got to be the leaders for our adults and show them what and how we’ve been learning. We learn with our whole being in Forest school: 
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We are grateful for:
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This week 1st class didn’t go to their base camp as normal but wandered with their groups to other parts of Killiney Hill. Wandering and following their curiosity, noticing and observing things on their way is a lovely activity for us in many ways. It 
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