Fourth class environmental enthusiasts represented DSP at an awards ceremony in the Helix recently. The award ceremony was the culmination of a year working on how to manage our use of water at DSP. We are grateful to teacher Amy Wall for guiding the green 
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Children from First Class and Senior Infants had great fun harvesting onions from the garden on Wednesday. After sorting the onions to share with all the garden helpers, it was time to do some weeding. We noticed delicious beetroot, kale, chard, broccoli and cauliflower growing. 
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Thanks to Mr Doohan, Ms O’Donohue and Ms Maguire for leading 5th class through a fascinating science project. Below are some comments from judges. Well done to everyone involved! Critical Thinking: The students did an excellent job of reflecting critically on their findings.  Why was XXX 
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he daffodil sale was very generously supported by the staff and parents and the students did a fantastic job behind the stall Wednesday morning. We couldn’t keep up with demand! And drumroll please…. we raised €174.65 for the Irish Cancer Society and to help fund 
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Providing Forest School takes a lot of time and energy and resources and staffing and support.  For it to continue, we need to evaluate the benefits to the children.   We started offering Forest school throughout the school as a result of rich feedback we got 
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In 2024, DSP will be celebrating 10 years of providing Forest School sessions to its pupils.This is a remarkable achievement and the benefits of the programme will stay with everychild as they move forward in life. From developing confidence and social skills, physical andmental health 
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3rd Class had fun experimenting and racing with magnets Magnets are very interesting. They have two poles- north and south. The north and north and the south and south repel each other. The north and the south side attract each other. The earth is magnetic 
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3rd Class Engineering Activities Engineering week 2023 took place from the 6th-10th of March 2023 Third Class were lucky enough to have a visit from the transportation engineer, Stavroula Manta. We discussed the different types of engineers there are and their roles. It is important 
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3rd Class Trip to Engineering Ireland On Thursday, Third Class took a trip to Engineering Ireland to see a Mathemagician This week was Math’s week, it was very fun. We went into Ballsbridge, to Engineering Ireland. We saw some magic, well it was maths magic, 
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STEM (Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics)  is a vital part of life in Dalkey School Project. We strongly believe in the necessity of developing inquiring minds and giving children the opportunity to lead learning through investigations and asking questions while providing a framework for that 
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