Fourth class environmental enthusiasts represented DSP at an awards ceremony in the Helix recently. The award ceremony was the culmination of a year working on how to manage our use of water at DSP. We are grateful to teacher Amy Wall for guiding the green 
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Children from First Class and Senior Infants had great fun harvesting onions from the garden on Wednesday. After sorting the onions to share with all the garden helpers, it was time to do some weeding. We noticed delicious beetroot, kale, chard, broccoli and cauliflower growing. 
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After months of regular work in the garden, it’s time to reap the benefits! Yes, planting fruit and vegetables means we can enjoy produce from the school garden. Children practised important life skills such as washing, cutting and cooking – with delicious rhubarb grown in 
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Can you spot the changes that have taken place over the past few weeks? Did you get to taste some of our spinach? There was a queue of children in the yard last week! Thanks to our Green Committee and dedicated parents and grandparents for 
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he daffodil sale was very generously supported by the staff and parents and the students did a fantastic job behind the stall Wednesday morning. We couldn’t keep up with demand! And drumroll please…. we raised €174.65 for the Irish Cancer Society and to help fund 
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What a dedicated group we have in the Green Team/ Garden Club! Every Tuesday they work in the garden, planting, weeding, learning how to protect beans as they grow. Thanks to parents Sarah and Jeanne for their time today and to grandparent Evelyn. We are 
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Providing Forest School takes a lot of time and energy and resources and staffing and support.  For it to continue, we need to evaluate the benefits to the children.   We started offering Forest school throughout the school as a result of rich feedback we got 
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An exciting opportunity to make a significant impact in your local environment. As part of Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Councils’ commitment to delivering improved tree cover and native forests, we are planning to plant 10,000 native whip trees between February and March 2024. The sites identified for this tree-planting initiative are Shanganagh 
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In 2024, DSP will be celebrating 10 years of providing Forest School sessions to its pupils.This is a remarkable achievement and the benefits of the programme will stay with everychild as they move forward in life. From developing confidence and social skills, physical andmental health 
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Where to start with the many fabulous lessons taking place in DSP this month? We can hardly keep up with the breadth of experiences the children are enjoying. Thanks to all DSP staff and to visiting staff for making January a wonderful month for the 
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