D’fhoghlaim na daltaí damhsa nua oíche an Mháirt. Sixth class learned a few new dance steps on Tuesday evening at the Céilí.
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5th class curriculum had the benefit of additional modern language lessons thanks to a new partnership with UCD. Thanks to Mr Doohan for hosting the student teachers. Thanks to MariaCristina and Sophie for making learning Spanish fun. Well done 5th class on your Spanish projects!
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Thanks to 5th class and Mr Doohan for representing DSP in the Texaco Art competition. Well done L on winning a Special Merit Award. Click this link to see more children’s art work .
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 A meeting of DSPNS Board of Management (BOM) was held on Tuesday 19th March 2024.  Items on the agenda included the Principal’s Report, Treasurer’s Report, Voluntary Contributions (VCs), Communications, and Maintenance report. Specific items included: 
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We are appealing to anyone who has ever considered fostering or would like some information about becoming a foster carer to please reach out to us. There is an urgent need for foster carer’s in the area and we are appealing to schools and local 
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Monkstown Educate Together NS are hosting an Ethos Night on Thursday 21st March, starting at 7:30pm with refreshments for talks to start at 8pm sharp. The title of the night is “Walking in Wellness” and we have lined up two fab speakers and a great MC 
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There’s frog party in the back garden at the moment. Lots of children have been visiting to observe. The frogs are busy spawning. They are very good at camouflage so they can be hard to spot. If you stay very quiet you can hear them, 
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Second class philosophers are asking some interesting questions. Do you think you have answers? Or perhaps more questions? Infants are chefs in the making. They decided which ingredients they wanted for their individual pizzas. Our philosophers and chefs will be decision makers of the future. 
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