The Green School Committee have been busy thinking about ways to be green around the school. They made bird feeders for the school garden, which were an instant hit with the local squirrels and birds! Here are the instructions if you would like to 
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3rd Class had fun experimenting and racing with magnets Magnets are very interesting. They have two poles- north and south. The north and north and the south and south repel each other. The north and the south side attract each other. The earth is magnetic 
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  The Green School Committee got to take part in the Walk for Water in Glendalough. Once we got there we had to fill up our water bottles from the lake to carry them with us on our walk. We did this so we could 
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Thank you to everyone for taking part in the Green School Big Travel Challenge!! Thank you to the Green Schools Committee for organising the Big Travel Challenge 2023. They created labels for jars, spread awareness and collected data over 2 weeks. It was amazing to 
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3rd Class Engineering Activities Engineering week 2023 took place from the 6th-10th of March 2023 Third Class were lucky enough to have a visit from the transportation engineer, Stavroula Manta. We discussed the different types of engineers there are and their roles. It is important 
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Last year fourth class took part in the Young Social Innovator Programme.  The programme empowers young people to use their talents, insights, passion and creativity to up with innovative solutions to social challenges.  4th class initially decided to work on combating animal cruelty but were 
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3rd Class Trip to Engineering Ireland On Thursday, Third Class took a trip to Engineering Ireland to see a Mathemagician This week was Math’s week, it was very fun. We went into Ballsbridge, to Engineering Ireland. We saw some magic, well it was maths magic, 
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