The Garden Club have been meeting once a week to work in the garden. Thanks to the super clearing done by the Meitheal group during midterm, the vegetable beds are ready for planting.

Garlic, onion, winter purslane and beans are some of the foods that have been planted. Yum.
The Green Committee are enthusiastic gardeners, even when frightened by spiders! Some people are happy to let creatures crawl over their hands. Others prefer to look only. We spotted centipedes and worms when clearing the beds of weeds.

Adults and children are learning new skills and knowledge such as names of plants; how to keep squirrels away; how to dig; use of tools, how to hold seedlings delicately and plant out. We are using our science eyes to observe two bird feeders and find out which one is more popular with the birds.

Thanks to Sarah, Brenda, Frank, Janice, Bernie, Dianne, Mary, Jamie, Claudia, Gary, a mix of parents, grandparents and staff. We would love to have more helpers, even if you can only commit to one hour per month. Please phone 01-2857199 or email to add your name to the garden group.