DSP 10 Years of Forest School

In 2024, DSP will be celebrating 10 years of providing Forest School sessions to its pupils.
This is a remarkable achievement and the benefits of the programme will stay with every
child as they move forward in life. From developing confidence and social skills, physical and
mental health to developing a lifelong love and appreciation of our natural world. Not to
mention creating wonderful memories.

To mark this anniversary, we would like to spread the word far and wide about Forest School
in DSP! Many parents, teachers and principals can learn from our valuable experience in
delivering Forest School within the Irish primary school system. Our example can be used to
help raise the profile of Forest School nationally and open doors and opportunities for more
children to experience the joy of learning in, with and from nature.

Through a variety of activities, we want to:

Encourage others schools to introduce Forest School through providing the positive
example of DSP
Raise awareness of the benefits of Forest School amongst parents, teachers and
principals nationally and internationally
Reach important stakeholders who are gatekeepers for funding and resources and
put Forest School firmly on their horizon
Provide easy to use resources (including lesson plans) for teachers to implement
Forest School

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