1. Context This update is based on Version 4 of the Covid 19 Response Plan issued by the Department of Education to primary and special schools: https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/e1141-covid-19-response-plan-for-the-safe-and-sustainable-operation-of-primary-and-special-schools/ .This plan should be read in conjunction with protocols outlined in Re-Opening DSP Covid 19 Response Plan 15th 
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Anti-Bullying Policy and Procedures 1. In accordance with the requirements of the Education (Welfare) Act 2000 and the code of behaviour guidelines issued by the NEWB, the Board of Management of Dalkey School Project NS school has adopted the following anti-bullying policy within the framework 
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Voluntary contributions are essential for the running of the school and make up almost a quarter of DSP’s annual income. These crucial funds are used to pay for enhancements to the learning experience and environment that our children enjoy throughout the year. Details can be 
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All classes enjoyed the Red Riding Hood Panto from the Helix. Money was still coming in today via Aladdin. We are now at €919.00 which means we have raised €494.00 for Barnados as the DSP seasonal charity fundraiser. We will leave the Panto payments link 
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Today is the sixth and final day with Helene our French teacher. Thanks Helene for giving the children this wonderful opportunity to 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th classes. This term, DSP took part in a 6 week pilot scheme to introduce modern foreign languages to primary schools. 
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The aim of our Green Schools committee is to work together to help create a sustainable futurehe whole school community work together in order to help make this a possibility. The green school committee are role models and act as spokespersons on issues in the 
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Session 9 12th November 2021 This week was our last week together for this year. Between games and free play and weaving and clay, we had a great time learning through play. Every session we share what we are grateful for from the session. This 
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We were delighted to receive our first green flag, on the theme of litter and waste. Everybody has worked really hard at keeping our school a clean and tidy place. We celebrated with a whole-school assembly, where members of the green school committee unveiled the flag. Well done to the committees from this year and last year, who have all worked hard and shown such great enthusiasm.
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