This is the Health & Safety Policy drawn up by the Board of Management of Dalkey School Project N.S. This document has been prepared in compliance with the Safety Health & Welfare at Work Act 2005.
Dalkey School Projects NS is a co-educational primary school with an enrolment of approximately 240 pupils. There are approximately 13 teachers, 7 Special Needs Assistants, one caretaker and one secretary. The senior playground is leased from Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council and is shared with the local community.
The Board of Management recognises and accepts not only its statutory
responsibilities but also its obligations as an employer to direct, manage and achieve
the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work of every employee, student and visitor alike.
The Board of Management believes that each employee accepts his or her legal and
moral responsibilities for improving and maintaining Safety, Health and Welfare in
the workplace and for behaviour which does not jeopardise the individual’s personal
Safety, Health and Welfare or that of others.
This policy shall be reviewed annually or more frequently if necessary, in the light of
experience, changes in legal requirements and operational changes. In that process
tasks will include: identifying hazards, carrying out risk assessments, deciding on
precautions needed, recording findings and names responsible, and updating of
policy to reflect the outcome of these tasks.
The aim of the Board of Management is to provide, so far as practicable, a healthy
and safe working environment. This can be achieved with the help and assistance of
all employees and pupils by:
- Observing the general rules of safety, including yard rules – running, cycling, etc
- Using all plant, machinery and equipment in a safe and proper manner.
- Employing the proper procedures when carrying out tasks and ensuring that no
practices are used which may act as a source of danger to themselves and/or
others. - Keeping work areas clean and tidy at all times.
- Making sure all corridors and passages, particularly those leading to escape routes, are kept free of obstructions at all times.
- Taking care that fire points are not blocked or covered up in any way and that
they are ready for use if the need arises.
Safety is a line management responsibility. Teachers, Special Needs Assistants (SNAs) and Ancillary Staff are responsible for safety in their own areas and for the implementation of relevant safety procedures. The Health and Safety Representative from the Board of Management shall monitor safety generally and
the operation of safety procedures. The Principal shall ensure that each employee shall obtain a copy of the Health & Safety Policy and shall be familiar with its contents. The Principal will make sure the induction of any new employee will include a review of the policy, and their signature in the Declaration of Sight appendix. The Policy shall also be made available to parents in a folder in the office and on the
school website. All records of accidents and ill-health will be monitored in order to ensure that any
safety measures required can be put in place to minimise the recurrence of such accidents and ill-health.
An accident report form will be completed and filed following an occurrence, in the Health and Safety Report Books which are stored in the Principal’s office.
It is the duty of every employee while at work:
(a) To take reasonable care for his/her own safety, health and welfare, and that of
any person who may be affected by his/her acts or omissions while at work.
(b) To co-operate with his/her employer and any other person to such extent as will enable his/her employer or the other person to comply with any of the relevant statutory provisions.
(c) To use, in such manner so as to provide the protection intended, any suitable appliance, protective clothing, convenience, equipment or thing provided (whether for his/her lone use or for use by him/her in common with others) for securing his/her safety, health or welfare at work.
(d) To report to the Board of Management without unreasonable delay, any defects in plant, equipment, place of work, or system of work, which might endanger safety, health or welfare of which he/she becomes aware.
No person will intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse any appliance, protective clothing, convenience or other means or thing provided in pursuance of any of the relevant statutory provisions or otherwise, for securing safety, health or welfare or persons arising out of work activities.
Employees using available facilities and equipment provided, should ensure that work practices are performed in the safest manner possible.
The Principal shall be responsible for overseeing the safety provisions on behalf of the school and Deborah Reynolds is the Health and Safety Representative elected under the provision of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005. They should be consulted if any of the employees have queries regarding any of the safety provisions mentioned in this statement. Their main duties and responsibilities are as follows:-
a) To guide and advise on all health, safety and welfare matters.
b) To ensure that the School fulfils all statutory requirements in respect of the Factories Act 1955, Safety in Industry Act 1989.
c) To ensure that the appropriate safety education and training are coordinated and carried out using both in-house and external resources.
d) To undertake regular and appropriate revision and auditing of the School safety procedures and methods of operation, to ensure that they are kept up to date.
e) To ensure that adequate fire protection and prevention measures are provided.
f) The Health and Safety Representative shall investigate all accidents and dangerous occurrences and shall ensure that appropriate statutory notifications are properly completed.
Particular attention will also be paid by the Health and Safety Representative to the following potential hazards:
a) Access / Egress – floors, steps, ladders
b) Lighting and Ventilation
c) Heat and Humidity
d) Electrical – Sockets, Plugs, Framed Wiring
e) VDU usage, workstation and ergonomics
f) Fire Risk, emergency evacuation procedures, Fire Drills
g) Light machinery safety: photocopiers; fax machines; PCs; laptops; scanners; TVs; video recorders etc. (Staff should treat said equipment with care and report any faults to the relevant personnel who will arrange for the repair / replacement for the equipment.)
h) Yard – surfaces, shore coverings etc.
Causes of accidents shall be investigated and corrective action shall be initiated to
prevent a recurrence.
Staff have a duty to report directly without delay:
a) Any area which may reasonably be considered a serious and immediate danger to health and safety.
b) Any matter which may reasonably be considered a shortcoming in health and safety arrangements.
These matters should be reported to the Health and Safety Representative and Principal and written in the Health and Safety Report Book in the office.
The Board of Management of Dalkey School Project N.S. wishes to ensure that as
far as is reasonably practical:
- The design, provision and maintenance of all places in the school shall be safe and without risk to health and safety.
- There shall be safe access to and from places of work for staff and students and visitors.
- Plant and Machinery may be operated safely in so far as is possible.
- Work systems shall be planned, organised, performed and maintained so as to be safe and without risk to health and safety.
- Staff shall be instructed and supervised in so far as is reasonably possible so
as to ensure the health and safety at work of its employees and pupils. - Protective clothing or equivalent shall be provided as is necessary to ensure the safety and health at work of its employees and pupils.
- Plans for emergencies shall be complied with, including evacuation drills, fire extinguishers, and accident reporting, and revised as necessary.
- An appendix of Emergency Phone Numbers, including Emergency services, will be appended to the Policy. This will also be displayed in the staff room.
The following hazards (in as much as can be identified) are considered by the school
to be a source of potential danger and are brought to the attention of all concerned:-
Main switch/fuse board – No persons other than those qualified will be permitted to
work on or repair the main electrical switch board or fuses. The area around the fuse
boards will be kept clean and tidy at all times. Nothing should be left on top of the
fuse boards. Suitable electrical warning signs will be placed near main electrical
switch gear.
Boiler House – Only authorised persons will be allowed into the Boiler House. All persons so authorised will be made aware of the special hazards i.e. high voltage electricity, extremely hot water and pipes and the danger of oil contamination. The boiler house will be kept clean, tidy and locked at all times. A safety sign outlining hazards will be kept in the boiler house.
Chemical Hazards – The Safety Data Sheet for any and all chemical / cleaning substances is either present with the item or already on the container for it. An inventory of hazardous substances and their locations will be kept with the Health
and Safety Policy.
Cleaners’ Closet – The Cleaners’ closet must be locked during school hours and Extra Curricular Activities (ECAs) hours.
Ladders – Ladders must be used with care.
Class Rooms – Class rooms should be kept tidy.
Corridors – Corridors will be kept as clear and tidy as possible. Following a risk assessment it has been decided that the large chairs will be neatly stacked in the lower corridor and not in the Hall.
Hall – The Hall room will be kept as free as possible of all non-essential furniture in order to provide a safe environment for all P.E. activities.
P.E. – Teachers taking these classes should ensure that children wear suitable clothing. Teachers should also ensure that children do not climb on the P.E. equipment unless instructed to do so.
Running in School – Running is strictly forbidden in corridors and class rooms. (See Code of Behaviour). This also applies to Extra Curricular Activities.
Kitchen and Staffroom – Kitchen and staffroom will be kept clean, clear and tidy. Care must be taken at all times when using water boilers, kettles and other kitchen equipment. Children will be supervised at all times while using the kitchen or kitchen equipment during cookery lessons.
Portable equipment – Faulty equipment should be isolated from the power supply and removed for repair. Persons should check plugs and flexes before using equipment. Trailing leads should be used in such a manner as they do not cause a hazard to people through tripping and should be inspected by the user for faults. All faults should be reported to the Principal or the Health and Safety Representative.
Maintenance Equipment – All tools and materials used in maintaining and cleaning the school shall be tidied away immediately after use, and stored in sheds or cleaners’ closet out of students’ reach.
Upstairs Patio Gate – The gates to the upstairs patio will be monitored by teachers / ANA’s as the children enter and exit and as they are on the patio during lessons.
School Sheds – All school sheds, Caretaker, Garden, PTA, must be accessible to the Principal and Health and Safety Representative. Keys should be stored in the office.
School Garden, including pond – Children will be supervised at all times during gardening lessons. Equipment will be stored in the sheds where possible, not in the garden.
Emergency Escape Routes – Escape doors must not be locked during occupation of the building. Staff and pupils will be made aware of the escape routes by regular fire drills. All escape routes will be kept clear at all times.
Fire Safety – A school evacuation procedure has been drawn up. A copy of this procedure will be made available to all employees including temporary and substitute teachers. A copy will also be displayed in each class room and in the staff room.
- Evacuation drills will take place at least twice a year. It is the responsibility of the Principal and the Health and Safety Representative to ensure that this happens. Employees should familiarise themselves with the procedures so that a fast and effective evacuation of the school can be completed in the event of an emergency. When evacuating the building, the teachers will bring
their class roll sheet with them. The children will not bring anything with them. - Evacuation drills will also take place during Extra – Curricular time, and the
relevant staff should familiarise themselves with the procedures. - Evacuation drills will also take account of times when staff are away from
children during break times. - An assembly area is designated outside the building in the school yard.
- Fire extinguishers are provided and will be maintained on a regular basis. Employees will be instructed in the safe use of this equipment.
- Position of extinguishers and exit doors will be clearly identified.
- Emergency escape routes will be posted by classroom doors and throughout
the building. - Re-Entry to the school building is prohibited until the all clear has been given by the Fire Officer attending the fire and in the case of a fire drill, until the Principal has given the all clear.
- Contractors will be made aware of evacuation and emergency procedures.
- Signs will be placed around the school to show appropriate reaction in the event of a fire or a fire alarm.
- In accordance with the Fire Services Act 1981, Section 18(2), it is required that an announcement is made at the commencement of any public event (AGM, Student Play etc) giving directions as to what to do in the event of a fire or alarm being given.
Wet corridors/ floors – It is the policy of the Board of Management of the Dalkey School Project N.S. that every attempt will be made to avoid the creation of slippery surfaces. Floors will not be polished or a non-slip polish will be used. The washing of floors shall be conducted, as far as is possible, after school hours to eliminate the danger of slipping. Where floors are wet, warning signs regarding wet floors shall be used. Attention is drawn to the possibility of outside floors and surfaces being affected by frost in cold weather, particularly the upstairs patio and the outside stairs. Parents and children will be directed to use the inside stairs when this is necessary. Step edges shall be clearly marked.
Broken Glass – The Board of Management shall minimise the danger arising from broken glass. Staff members are asked to report broken glass to the Principal so that it may be immediately removed.
Infectious Diseases– It is the policy of the Board of Management of Dalkey School Project N.S. that all infectious diseases shall be notified and steps taken to ensure the safety of staff and students against all such diseases. The Board of Management will endeavour to minimise the risk by adherence to sound principals of cleanliness, hygiene and disinfection and have provided disposable gloves for use in all First Aid applications, cleaning tasks, etc. Toilets and washrooms shall be provided at all times with an adequate supply of water, soap, towels and a facility for the safe disposal of waste.
General – A maintenance log book will be available in the secretary’s office.
Members of staff should record any daily maintenance requirements and faults in the
Office machinery includes photocopying machines, printers, guillotines and binding machines. Children may not use any machinery unless with the permission of the principal or class teacher.
Machines will be positioned in a well ventilated area away from doorways. The main on/off switch will be accessible at all times.
Minor repairs, such as rectifying paper jams in a photocopier, may be carried out by staff where clear instructions exist and the action presents no hazard. While machines are fitted with interlocking mechanisms to prevent electrocution, they should still be switched off before accessing the interior. Care must be observed to avoid hot surfaces. Under no circumstances should staff use screwdrivers or any other article to tamper with the inside of machines. The areas around photocopiers/printers should be kept tidy at all times.
Major Faults
Major faults, including any electrical faults, frayed wiring, must be reported immediately and the machine must be switched off. A printed notice should be posted on the machine stating ‘Out of Order’ until a fully qualified technician repairs the machine.
Basic maintenance of machinery will be carried out regularly by competent technical contractors.
Light Intensity
Photocopiers and laser printers are provided with strong light sources. Covers must be in place when copies are made.
The following precautions must be observed by all staff and employees to minimise the risks associated with electricity:
Any broken, ineffective or damaged electrical equipment, such as loose connections and frayed cables, must be reported immediately
The electrical unit must be switched off immediately. Care should be observed and assume all electrical circuits are live unless there is absolute certainty that they are not.
Always consider whether help is necessary to lift an awkward or heavy load. A trolley or some other mechanized system should be used wherever practicable. Do not allow the load to obstruct your view, particularly when using stairways. Ensure the area in front of you is clear from obstructions. If carrying a load, ensure that you do not proceed backwards.
Members of staff are reminded that:
a) any person who is under medical supervision or on prescribed medication and who has been certified fit for work, should notify the Principal of any known side affects or temporary physical disabilities
which may be a danger to either themselves or their fellow workers or pupils. The Principal will arrange or assign appropriate tasks for that person to carry out in the interim.
b) they are not allowed to carry out duties whilst under the influence of illicit drugs or alcohol.
The School First Aid Boxes are located in the office, the Learning Support and Resource room (downstairs), Room 4 (upstairs resource room). The person in charge of the ER will be responsible for checking and replacing items in the First Aid boxes.
In the case of a graze or minor cut, the wounded part is to be cleaned with water and tissue by a member of staff. Surgical gloves should always be used in treatment of these cuts/grazes. Surgical gloves are part of the First Aid Box equipment.
In the case of a more serious cut, the Parent/Guardian is called. In the event of the Parent/Guardian being unavailable the child is taken to a doctor or hospital.
All injuries are to be reported to the Principal and Parents/Guardians. Covered ice is to be applied to bumps and the child is to be constantly observed until the parent/guardian arrives.
A sticker is put on children who bump their heads to alert parents/guardians to the incident. Serious cuts and bumps are to be recorded by the teacher on duty in the Accident Book in the Principal’s Office.
Parents/Guardians are asked to sign a form giving permission to the School to have the child taken to hospital if the parent/guardian cannot be contacted.
The Board of Management has the responsibility to encourage an awareness of, and training in, First Aid among the staff.
All staff members are made aware of children with specific medical conditions and allergies. Parents/Guardians are required to inform the school of such conditions.
All accidents whether to employees, pupils or members of the public must be reported immediately to the Principal. This is necessary to monitor the progress of safety standards and to ensure that proper medical attention is given where required. An Accident Report Book is kept in the Principal’s Office for recording all accidents.
Insofar as it is compatible with the practical layout of the school premises, anyone entering the school premises shall be required to identify themselves to the Principal or the Secretary as relevant before gaining admittance to the school. During Extra Curricular Activities (ECAs) anyone entering the school premises shall be required to identify themselves to the Co-ordinator or the Teacher. Clear signage will be
provided. Any contractor must make direct contact with the Principal before initiating any work on the premises and shall be shown a copy of the Health and Safety Policy applying to the school and shall agree to its provisions.
While work is in progress, any noise shall be avoided wherever possible during school hours and shall at all times be reduced to the minimum necessary. The contractor and his staff shall not create any hazard, permanent or temporary, without informing the principal or his nominated agent and shall mark such hazard with warning signs or other suitable protection. The children will be advised of the dangers inherent with any construction work and will be advised by the class teachers and the principal of the need to “STAY AWAY”.
The children are forbidden from going near any construction site and from interacting with the workers during the course of their work.
When an employee feels at risk from, or threatened by, a particular person on school property, this must be drawn to the attention of the Board of Management. The Board will undertake to ensure that in such circumstances all appropriate measures will be taken to protect employees.
All parents/guardians/carers in the interest of safety must obey all signs upon entering the school grounds.
Car drivers are advised to drive slowly approaching the school when delivering and collecting children.
Care must be taken never to obstruct gateways or access of neighbours. Children are not allowed into the school before 8.20 am
Children should be collected promptly at end of school day or after extra-curricular activities. Children should go to the office if they are late being collected.
DSP Traffic Management plan: School traffic is discouraged from entering the last section of the Cul de Sac directly outside the school gates back to the next junction at Glenageary Lodge.
Drivers are discouraged from:
- driving or parking their car past the Glenageary Lodge junction.
- parking in a position that might obstruct any of our neighbours from entering or exiting their drives.
- parking in a position that might prevent emergency vehicles from accessing the school or any of the residences in Glenageary Lodge, Arnold Grove or Hillcourt Road.
Morning assembly takes place for the children at either 8.20am or 8.30am. Children enter the yard at their class’s designated time and line up (8.20am or 8.30am). Parents/guardians are responsible for their child until it is their turn to line up. On very wet mornings, or during icy conditions, children will be sent straight into class at either 8.20am or 8.30am. Children and or parents / guardians should not enter school before 8.20am without seeking permission.
The Health and Safety policy should be read in conjunction with other relevant policies:
- Code of Behaviour
- Critical Incident Policy
- Guidelines on the Administration of Medication to Pupils
- Management of Chronic Illness
- Healthy Eating Policy
- Anti-bullying
- Child protection
- Acceptable Technology Use Policy
- Code of Conduct for Extra Curricular Activities
- School trips
- Sexual Harassment
- Severe Weather Policy
Safety audits will be carried out annually by the Health and Safety Representative.
It is the policy of the Board of Management of the Dalkey School Project N.S.
- to consult with Staff and P.T.A. in the preparation and completion of the Health and Safety Policy;
- any additional information or instructions regarding Health, Safety and Welfare at work will be conveyed to Staff and P.T.A. as it becomes available;
- that Health, Safety and Welfare will form an integral part of any future staff training and development plans;
- that Health, Safety and Welfare will be an item on the agenda of every Board meeting
This Health and Safety Policy has been prepared based on conditions existing in the premises of the school at the time of writing. It may be altered, revised or updated at a future date so as to comply with any changes in conditions. All amendments and updates will be recorded in the Health and Safety Policy.

Appendix A: Declaration of Sight
All permanent and temporary staff members will sign and date acknowledging that they have received a copy of the policy and agree to uphold all of its procedures and regulations.
I have received a copy of the Health and Safety Policy and agree to uphold all of its procedures and regulations.