3) Do you play any sport? Yes – I love jogging, yoga, going for a dip with my friends in the sea and playing tennis  4) If you had the chance to have a super power- what would you choose? I would choose to run 
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1) Tell us about where you are from.  I’m from Tralee, Co Kerry. Kerry is a very beautiful county with lots of fabulous beaches and majestic mountain ranges. I recommend it as a holiday destination – and be ready for all weathers!  3) Do you 
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1) Tell us about where you are from. I am from Bray. 2) Do you play any sport? Yes I currently do kickboxing, and i used to do boxing and play football. 4) If you had the chance to have a super power- what would 
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4) If you had the chance to have a super power- what would you choose? Teleportation so I could visit the Eiffel Tower on my lunch break! 5) What is your least favourite vegetable? Brussel sprouts- yuck! 7) What was your favourite book when you 
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1) Tell us about where you are from – The Hills of Donegal 2) If you could be a celebrity for one day, who would you be? Joel Dommett, because of his humour and hs suits 3) Do you play any sport? Does Monopoly count? 
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1) Tell us about where you are from. I’m from a town in Co Mayo called Castlebar or in Irish it is called Caisleán an Bharraigh, meaning ‘Barry’s Castle’. You would drive though it on the way to Achill or Westport. Two former Taoiseach came 
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13) How many times have you been to McDonalds? Three times which for me is three times too many.    7) What was your favourite book when you were younger? I loved anything by Roald Dahl like the BFG and read most things by Enid Blyton.  
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1) Tell us about where you are from. I am from Dublin 4) If you had the chance to have a super power- what would you choose? I would like to have a bilocation superpower so I could be in work and on holidays at 
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2) If you could be a celebrity for one day, who would you be?  I’d love to be a famous scientist! The question is would I be a naturalist like Jane Goodall or David Attenborough or an astronaut like Chris Hadfield or Samantha Cristoforetti. 3) 
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