Science BLAST 5th class

Thanks to Mr Doohan, Ms O’Donohue and Ms Maguire for leading 5th class through a fascinating science project. Below are some comments from judges. Well done to everyone involved!

Critical Thinking:

The students did an excellent job of reflecting critically on their findings.  Why was XXX class particularly bad (football, gardening?) Why was XXX class so good?  Why did one of their controls show so much mould?  The kids had thought about possible explanations for all of these.


The students did a fantastic job of presenting their project.  The pictures and graphs used in their display were excellent and I loved the fact that they brought ‘exhibits’ of the mouldy slices of bread and the method used to score these.  The practical demonstration of spreading germs using ‘germ gel’ was excellent.


The students worked on the project as a class and worked in teams on different parts of the display that was made up of parts designed by individual students.


Students took turns explaining their project to me and did an excellent job!  They were brilliant ‘science communicators’ in performing the practical experiments on the spreading of germs!

Additional Comments:Fabulous project and presentation of the results by the 5th class of Dalkey School Project and their teachers… Daniela Boehm

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