A sincere thanks to teachers for facilitating a new model of parent teacher meetings using a blend of online and in-person meetings. Zoom meetings enabled parents to attend their child’s progress meeting from different workplaces; in-person meetings yielded the joy of face-to-face interactions.
We are very grateful to teachers for their commitment to working as teams e.g. 3rd class team, Senior Infants team leading to close working relationships and regular planning together. Unfortunately, due to substitute shortages we have had to call on ANTs to enable class teachers’ release for P/T meetings.
We are indebted to our job share teachers who gave up their home time to teach in positions where no subs were available. A big thank you to DSP teachers who regularly and quietly say ‘Yes’, filling gaps in a way that many in the community may not even notice.
Thank you, teachers, for continuing to put children at the centre of planning and decision-making.

We welcome feedback on our first year of offering a blend of P/T meetings. Please phone or email the office: info@dspns.ie