Meeting Guidelines for Parents/Guardians

Our mission statement is at the centre of all our teaching, learning and decision-making; Dalkey School Project National School strives to create a happy, friendly, inclusive, educational environment where each child is unique and valued. We are a welcoming school where diverse talents are appreciated and the school community works together respectfully.

DSP school endeavours to have clear, collaborative and cooperative communication between school and home. Below are guidelines for helpful and respectful communications at meetings and phonecalls.

1. Class Information Meetings will be held in September

2. Parent Teacher meetings are held once a year in November.

3. Meetings for children on School Support Plus Plans take place twice a year during the autumn term and the spring term.

4. If you require an additional meeting with a member/s of staff, please fill out the Google form DSP Meeting Request Form available on the school website/Aladdin and submit to the office at to make a request.

5. Allow for an appropriate amount of time for teachers to respond to meeting requests. It may take up to 3 working days for a response from a member of the class team.

6. As there are up to 30 children in the class, each with their own specific individual needs, meeting requests and queries may be answered by email, phone call, zoom or in person meetings. This will depend on the needs of the child, the other children in the class and the reason for the meeting e.g. behavioural issues in the class will take priority over discussion about academics.

7. Two members of staff may attend the meeting.

8. Meetings are helpful and respectful when we are aware that:

· the children are at the centre of all discussions

· the needs of all children in the class will be taken into account by the class team when putting a plan in place for an individual child

9. Do
· Be kind
· Use respectful and appropriate language, tone and gestures
· Listen to and value staff’s professional opinions
· Appreciate differences: comparisons of staff and/or their practices are unhelpful and not in accordance with our school’s ethos

10. Everyone has the right to leave/end a meeting if they feel they are not being respected or their dignity is affected.

11. Solutions are most likely to be found if everyone engages in discussions in a dignified, open and constructive way.

12. Teachers have a duty of care to each child in the class and school. Confidential factors regarding other children may affect the decisions made in a class or at a meeting

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